
High Asset Divorces: Experience Matters

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High asset divorces are fraught with tension and tough negotiations. Because of the high financial stakes in play, attorneys on both sides want to maximize what their client leaves the marriage with. Attorneys will go to great lengths to zealously pursue this objective. If you and your spouse have a high net worth and you are considering a divorce, you need a lawyer who has experience handling high asset divorces.

Properly Distinguishing Separate Property from Community Property

Nevada is a community property state, which generally means that spouses have an equal right to all property earned and acquired during the course of the couple’s marriage. In contrast, property that each spouse brought into their marriage remains their separate property upon their divorce. Experience matters when it comes to distinguishing between separate property and community property.

With high asset divorces, this distinction is an enormous deal, and there is often a high volume of property that must be identified and distinguished. Additionally, some of the most complex aspects of community property laws come into play with high asset divorces—attorneys who handle high asset divorces know how the law treats inheritances, trusts, gifts, pensions, and separate business interests and real estate that have become co-mingled with community property.

We have found that the more property a couple has, the more likely that one or both spouses are unaware of the totality of their property. Also, the odds are good that couples utilize some combination of accountants, agents, business managers, portfolio managers, lenders, and property managers.

This means that attorneys and experts must spend ample time obtaining information and methodically sifting through many records to determine what property is out there and when it was acquired. An attorney with experience knows that no stone can be left unturned when wealth is involved—especially with the potential of improper financial conduct by the other spouse.

Obtaining Accurate Appraisals

Another reason that a high asset divorce requires an experienced attorney is that it takes an experienced high asset divorce attorney to properly appraise your property. At Viloria, Oliphant, Oster & Aman L.L.P., we have relationships with reputable and respected experts, who use accepted practices to appraise property of all complexities. Proper appraisals are essential to preserving your financial interests and ensuring that you do not leave money behind.

Contact Viloria, Oliphant, Oster & Aman L.L.P.

At Viloria, Oliphant, Oster & Aman L.L.P. we provide high class family law representation to people who wish to end their marriage in Nevada. Our attorneys are intelligent, thorough, experienced, and proven. We know that this is a big moment in the lives of our clients and fully utilize our experience and resources to fight for our clients. If you want to end your marriage well, contact us today. Call Viloria, Oliphant, Oster & Aman L.L.P. today at (775) 227-2280 to schedule an appointment or contact our office through our website.

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