
How to Deal With Insurance Companies After a Car Accident

Young Couple Arguing With Insurance Agent

After a car crash, you might be tempted to accept any call from the insurance companies and try to explain your story, hoping it might resolve the case faster or lead to a better settlement.

Unfortunately, that’s rarely how things go. In fact, you have to be very careful in how you deal with the insurance companies after a car crash.

Just Say No

“No” is the magic word when it comes to dealing with insurance companies. If the other driver’s insurance provider calls you, you should politely end the call as soon as possible. In 99% of cases, speaking to the other driver’s insurance company will only complicate your case and could result in a smaller settlement, no matter what they say.

At the same time, if you ever get a request for a recorded statement to tell your side of the story, you should refuse. A recorded statement must be worded very carefully. It’s best to have an attorney present as saying the wrong thing could shift your assigned fault and result in a smaller settlement or even prevent you from claiming any damages at all.

What if They Won’t Take No For An Answer?

Sometimes, the insurance companies will claim that you must speak to them. They’ll say you must answer their questions, or they won’t be able to move your case forward or authorize a rental car.

This is simply not true.

There is no obligation that requires you to speak to the insurance companies without an attorney present. In most cases, the only requirement is that you let them know a crash occurred as soon as it is safe to do so.

If the insurance companies ever seem aggressive or try to intimidate you into providing more information, try to end the call as quickly as possible and then contact an attorney. An experienced car accident attorney knows how to negotiate with the insurance companies and can fight to earn the full damages you are entitled to while minimizing your assigned fault whenever possible.

Personal Injury Lawyers at Viloria, Oliphant, Oster & Aman L.L.P. Help

If you have been injured in a car or truck accident, you need a personal injury lawyer. The attorneys at Viloria, Oliphant, Oster & Aman L.L.P. can help you understand your legal rights and the steps you may take to pursue maximum compensation. We have successfully recovered millions of dollars in damages for our clients. Talk to us, and we can help you explore your options. Call us today at (775) 227-2280 to schedule a free case consultation or contact our office through our website.

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