
Reno, NV - Injuries in Collision at 6th St & Wells Ave

Reno, NV (November 25, 2023) - On Friday, November 24, there were confirmed injuries resulting from a car crash in the Reno area. The incident was reported late that evening at around 10:22 p.m. at the corner of E. 6th Street and N. Wells Avenue. At least one person involved was hurt, and emergency responders were sent to provide aid to the involved parties.

The severity and number of the resulting injuries have not been determined at this time. The injured parties were later transferred to a nearby hospital for additional treatment. No updates on the crash have been provided at this time. An ongoing investigation into the cause of the crash is in progress, and more information will be provided as it progresses

Our thoughts are with the injured victims and their families at this time. We hope for their full recovery.

High-Speed Accidents in Nevada

You put yourself and everyone else on the road in danger when you drive too fast. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that between 2020 and 2021, the number of fatalities associated with speeding rose by about 8 percent. In 2021, 12,330 persons lost their lives in high-speed collisions around the country. This amount accounted for almost 29 percent of all road deaths that year. Not only did the number of fatal collisions rise, but so did the number of injuries sustained in high-speed collisions.

There is only so much that can be done to avert a catastrophic vehicle collision. A driver runs the danger of causing a serious collision when they are distracted by things like checking their phone or conversing with another passenger. In the time it takes to send one text, you could walk the length of a football field. This demonstrates how risky it is to divert your attention from the road. Sadly, far too many Nevadan drivers regularly participate in these kinds of careless driving practices.

It is possible that you are unsure of the steps required to pursue a claim after an injury. To guarantee that you are able to recover fully, it is crucial that you work with a lawyer who has years of expertise with these kinds of cases. It is not a good idea to leave paying for your damages up to luck or happenstance. To maximize your compensation and get your claim off to the best possible start, you must make sure that everything is done.

After a car accident that changes your life, you need to know that you are not alone. A Reno personal injury attorney can assist you in navigating the challenging claims procedure and pursuing just compensation. Viloria, Oliphant, Oster & Aman L.L.P.'s legal team is here to support you during this trying time and see that the guilty party is held accountable. We are available to assist you at every stage if you're ready to begin working on your case. Please contact us at 775-227-2280.

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