
Spine Injuries by Location

a man in a car loading his wheelchair

The spine is one of the most important structures in our body, providing support and enabling movement for the whole body. However, it is also vulnerable to various types of injuries that can have a significant impact on our health and well-being. Spine injuries can range from minor strains and sprains to more serious conditions such as herniated discs, fractures, or spinal cord injuries.

Spine Anatomy

Before discussing the various spine injuries by location, it's important to briefly touch on the spine's anatomy. The spine is composed of 33 small bones called vertebrae, which are stacked on top of each other, interlaced with flexible joints and cushioned by disks. The spine is divided into five regions – cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal - each region containing a different number of vertebrae.

  • The cervical spine consists of 7 vertebrae, located in the neck area.
  • The thoracic spine has 12 vertebrae that are attached to the ribcage and located in the chest region.
  • The lumbar spine consists of 5 vertebrae located in the lower back.
  • The sacral region has 5 vertebrae that are fused together and located in the pelvis.
  • The coccygeal region consists of 4 vertebrae that are also fused together and form the tailbone.

Spine Injuries by Location

Cervical Spine Injuries

Cervical spine injuries, also known as neck injuries, occur when the cervical vertebrae in the spine are damaged or disrupted. These types of injuries (commonly a result of car accidents or slip and falls) can have serious consequences since the cervical spine plays a crucial role in supporting the head and protecting the spinal cord. Symptoms of a cervical spine injury can include pain, weakness, numbness, and tingling in the neck, shoulders, and arms. In severe cases, these injuries can result in paralysis or even death.

Thoracic Spine Injuries

Thoracic spine injuries occur when the middle portion of the spine, specifically the thoracic vertebrae, sustains damage. The thoracic spine is located in the middle of the back and is responsible for supporting the upper body and protecting the spinal cord. Injuries to this part of the spine can cause intense pain, limited range of motion, and even paralysis. Thoracic spine injuries can result from a variety of causes including car accidents, falls, sports injuries, and degenerative conditions like arthritis or osteoporosis.

Lumbar Spine Injuries

Lumbar spine injuries can cause significant discomfort and problems for those affected. The lumbar spine, or lower back, is the largest section of the spine and is responsible for providing support to the upper body, allowing us to stand, sit, and bend. Lumbar spine injuries can range from sprains and strains to herniated discs and spinal stenosis.

Sacral and Coccygeal Injuries

Sacral and coccygeal injuries involve damage to the sacrum and coccyx bones, which are located at the base of the spine. The sacrum is a triangular-shaped bone that connects the spine to the pelvis, while the coccyx, also known as the tailbone, is a small, curved bone located at the bottom of the sacrum. Injuries to these bones can cause significant pain and discomfort, particularly when sitting or standing for prolonged periods.

Catastrophic Injury Attorneys at Viloria, Oliphant, Oster & Aman L.L.P.

At Viloria, Oliphant, Oster & Aman L.L.P., our catastrophic injury attorneys understand the devastating impact that spinal cord injuries can have on individuals and their families. We are committed to helping victims of spinal cord injuries recover the compensation they deserve. Our experienced attorneys have a deep understanding of how to navigate the legal complexities surrounding spinal cord injury cases and will work tirelessly to pursue justice for our clients.

Contact us today at (775) 227-2280 or fill out our online form for a free consultation.

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