Millennials seem to do everything a bit differently.
Perhaps the most significant generational difference is their preference to wait when it comes to marriage. Whether single or in a relationship, many choose life experiences before a lifetime of commitment. They establish their careers, buy houses, or even travel the world.
Twenty-somethings waiting later in life to marry may very well be fueling the overall decline in divorce rates for new marriages. Millennials choosing to cohabitate before tying the knot allows them to build a stronger bond with each other, if not a life of wedded bliss sans the wedding.
Yet, signs point to struggles for millennials once married, whether couples previously lived together or immediately made the relationship official beyond Facebook.
The millennial generation is unique in that they place a higher value on individual rights. Many grew up with parents focusing on giving them everything they need. Once married, they tend to fight for what they want, not what is best for the relationship. Simply stated, they are unwilling to give up parts of themselves for the sake of the marriage.
An emphasis on individuality also make millennials less influenced by traditional values that create social pressure on staying married after the proverbial “honeymoon is over.” Add to that a lower level of commitment due to many being children of divorce themselves and an era where marriages ended at a rate of 50 percent.
A millennial couple could find it far too easy to pull the plug at the first sign of trouble without much regret or fear. After all, many experienced the spoils of youth with minimal consequences.
Few life-changing events have more consequences than divorce. Yet, people in their twenties and thirties likely believe that they have all the time in the world to recover both financially and emotionally.