The Pedestrian Safety Initiative in Reno, Nevada, is focused on reducing the number of crashes attributed to unsafe pedestrians, unsafe drivers and DUI drivers. According to one sergeant with the Reno Police Department, "The common misconception: The pedestrian always has the right of way and that's not true."
There are a couple of areas in Reno that are considered very dangerous for pedestrians. The sergeant said, "Over here, it's really dark and pedestrians try to cross the street and it's too dark for drivers to see them."
Another is the Fourth Street corridor and the other is near the bus stop, right off of Evans Street. Some of the people contacted by the police were not very pleasant. That's often a common response, but officers know that arguing with residents is not going to change anything.
The police are out in force, trying to teach both pedestrians and drivers who aren't following the law. When they are able to prevent accidents, everyone benefits.
If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident, do you know if you or the driver of the motor vehicle was at fault. For example, did you cross at an intersection where there is a crosswalk? If not, did you enter the roadway from between two vehicles. Pedestrians don't stand much of a chance when up against a motor vehicle in an accident. Such crashes often lead to serious injuries or deaths. Police want to make sure those who are out int the community are safe from this type of harm.
An accident attorney can help you determine whether you want to file lawsuit against the at-fault owner.
Source:, "Reno Police target unsafe pedestrians in campaign," Catherine Van, July 21, 2016